A brand noviSplet was created more than 18 years ago by the company Atribut d. o. o. and is broadly known in the field of digital marketing in Slovenia.

The company focuses on web design, web development and digital advertising.
The company was founded in 1992 by a young entrepreneur Branko Tomažič. Over the years, the company evolved and the management recognized business opportunities of the internet. Since 2004 the company focuses on the internet and operates as a digital agency under the brand name noviSplet.
The agency noviSplet focuses on website development, eCommerce and digital advertising. In the last 18 years, noviSplet has been part of numerous successful stories; we have created more than 1.500 websites and forged strong partnerships with a great number of well-known and reputable companies and organizations.
Visit: www.novisplet.com
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noviSplet is specialized in website and eCommerce website development. The team consists of a group of professionals, from web designers and UX designers to web developers and SEO specialists.
First, you get in touch with our sales department which roughly plans your project and advises you in the early stages. When the project officially starts, a project manager takes over communication and is responsible for smooth execution. A UX designer makes a structure and plans navigation. After that, your project is assigned to one of our web designers who prepares a design for your new website. Lastly, the project is taken over by a programmer who turns the design into code and brings your website "to life". In the following stages, there is a reliable and responsive support team that can help you in case of any emergencies.

The agency cooperates with enterprises of various sizes and fields of operations, such as Knauf insulation, Kovis, DZS grafik, Vizija računovodstvo, Cordia- DAF, Optika in očesni center Preskar etc.
noviSplet also works with international partners; they have created a news portal Novi glas, which is operated by the Slovenian minority in Italy. In addition, the agency is also a partner of European Rail
Freight Corridors - IRG Rail (Alpine-Western Balkan rail freight corridor, Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor).
Furthermore, noviSplet is extremely proud to cooperate with faculties and other educational institutions (Filozofska fakulteta Maribor, Fakulteta DOBA, Gimnazija Šiška), hospitals, pharmacies and health care centres (Porodnišnica Postojna, Medicenter, Lekarna Velenje), government and non-government organizations and societies (Amnesty International, Transparency International Slovenia, Slovensko farmacevtsko društvo, Ljubljansko barje, Društvo novinarjev Slovenije, Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje).
In the last years, noviSplet has been focusing on eCommerce websites. The agency has already been recognized as a reliable partner that can cover advanced e-shops with back-end system integrations and B2B platforms. The most successful e-shops are Mašinca (e-shop for power tools), Pohištvo takoj (furniture e-shop), Škerjanec (e-shop for the biggest chair supplier in Slovenia), Top Izbira (e-shop for mobile covers), Aler (a pet food e-shop), BBT (e-shop for refurbished computers), Drinx (online wine store), Ščit (e-shop for protective equipment), Soča oprema (eCommerce for medical equipment), Banex (e-shop for cleaning agents)
You can find more projects here: www.novisplet.com/zadnje-reference.
Visit www.novisplet.com, to discover more about noviSplet and our work.